Multifunctional device – The ideal solution for welding sheets up to ~12mm thick.
- 多功能直流等离子数字逆变集成电源, 高效节能,可实现等离子焊/等离子点焊/氩弧焊/氩弧点焊/手工焊!
- 高效稳定的等离子电弧/高质量高速度焊接/更低的热量输入/更小的母材热变形!更多更全面满足不同客户不同材料的焊接需求!
- 5-500A宽量程主电流输出,电流最小精度为0.1A,可焊的母材厚度范围极宽!
- 内置带实时监控水箱(流量,温度,液位均实时监测并可直观显示)!
- 触摸屏图标显示设计, 操作简单易懂!
- 带完整焊接程序控制软件, 设置包含了所有的等离子焊接程序的应用(包括离子气的自动衰减功能, 该功能配合电流衰减和送丝控制可完美解决各种收弧问题)!
- 强大的PCS 等离子焊接程序控制软件, 另可实现所有焊接参数的设置/存储/调用/下载等操作功能, 更能实现实时远程操作/远程监控/远程维修等功能, 并标配多个自动化集成连接界面, 可实现任何数字或模拟量通讯连接. 可存储和调用1000个焊接程序.
- 每个电源都有独立的IP地址和网口连接,如有需要可实现工业PC和机器人的全数字集成和通讯.
The electric arc is constricted by a copper nozzle, which causes a higher power density. The concentrated electric arc can be achieved in conjunction with the controllable able gas, higher welding speeds and a deeper penetration, which saves time and money. The tight bundling of the electric arc and the welding speed causes only a narrow heat-effected zone to form, which has a lower thermal distortion result.
电弧因铜喷嘴集聚,产生高功率密度。 稳定集聚的电弧、数显可控的等离子气体、智能高速的焊接速度、理想化的熔深、极大节省了时间和金钱。集聚的电弧和焊接速度能够形成一个狭窄的热影响区,从而使工件热变形较小。
技术规格 | Technical Specifications | PMI – 500 TL |
电源电压 | supply voltage | 3x400V AC ± 15% 50 / 60 Hz |
电源连接 | power connection | 4 x 32A CEE plug, 6 mm² |
焊接电流(60%ED) | welding current (60% ED) | 380A |
焊接电流(100%ED) | welding current (100% ED) | 300A |
控制范围 | control range | 5 ÷ 500A |
空载电压 | idle voltage | 75V |
引弧电流(100%ED) | pilot current (100% ED) | 30A |
引弧电流控制范围 | control range pilot current | 0,5 – 50A |
防护等级 | degree of protection | IP 21 S |
手动等离子气体控制 | manual plasma control | 0,2 ÷ 2,5 l Ar/min |
手动保护气体控制 | manual protection gas control | 1,0 ÷ 25,0 l Ar/min |
脉冲频率 | pulse rate | 0,1 – 1000Hz |
脉冲占空比 | pulse balance | 1 – 99% |
脉冲断流 | pulse break current | 10 – 100% |
脉冲时间 | pulse time | 1 – 3000 ms |
断流时间 | break time | 1 – 3000 ms |
断流 | break current | 5 – 500A |
重量 | weight | 115 kg |
尺寸 | dimensions | 1200 x 520 x 940mm |
PGR-05: electr. Plasma control, range 0,1 ÷ 5 l/min
SGR-20: electr. Inert gas control, range 0,5 ÷ 20 l/min
MCC: Motor Control Card to drive from an SBI wire case
- high quality of the seam高质量焊缝
- high process saftey高安全系数
- high degree of automation高度自动化
- high productivity due to high welding speed高焊接速度实现高生产率
The soft plasma welding machine is used for sheets up to 12mm thick. Plasma welding is mainly used for the following materials: stainless steel, steel, titanium, zirconium and copper.